Biotech News & Knowledge

Scientists having a meeting

5 Biotechnology Marketing Strategy Tips

By Hannah McNaughton | Updated on Jan 15, 2024 | Strategy

The biotechnology and healthcare industries are complex sectors to sell to. Maybe you have a product that is targeted to one specific group. Or maybe your product has many applications across hospitals and labs, and you need to determine how to sell to multiple audiences. No matter your challenges, embarking on a new marketing strategy […]

Goal of digital marketing for biotech companies graphic blog image

What Is the Goal of Digital Marketing for Biotech Companies?

By Hannah McNaughton | Updated on Jun 13, 2024 | Marketing

The biotech space is an exciting place to be. Experts anticipate the value of the global biotech market will grow from $859.94 billion in 2022 to $1,683.52 billion by 2030. The North American biotech market had a 37.76% revenue share in 2022 (Precedence Research). The industry has never been more robust and competitive, as companies […]